
52% of key materials are imported, and the Deputy Minister of Industry and Information Technology said that it should not exaggerate China’s manufacturing.

Column:Industry dynamics Time:2018-07-21
Recently, a speech by Xin Guobin, deputy minister of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and director ...

Recently, a speech by Xin Guobin, deputy minister of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and director of the National Leading Group for Manufacturing Power Construction, was highly concerned in the "2018 National Expert Forum on Manufacturing Powerful Country Buildings".

Here, the China News Agency is a direct train, and the original text of Vice Minister Xin Guobin’s speech is briefly summarized and presented as follows.

The following is a speech record:

Since the reform and opening up 40 years ago, especially since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, China's manufacturing industry has achieved remarkable achievements. The overall scale has expanded rapidly, major innovations have emerged, industrial structure has continued to optimize, and global influence has been continuously improved.

Since 2010, the added value of China's manufacturing industry has ranked first in the world for many years. The high-tech manufacturing industry has a good momentum of development. At present, it accounts for more than 12% of the industrial enterprises above designated size. It has achieved major breakthroughs in many fields such as manned space flight and high-speed railway. Artificial intelligence New technologies, new products, new formats, and new models such as the Internet of Things, big data, cloud computing, and blockchain are constantly emerging, and they have entered the first phalanx of the international market. High-speed rail, aerospace, nuclear power, information and communication, etc. are globally competitive.

However, while seeing the results, we must also clearly understand that China's manufacturing industry is large but not strong, its innovation capability is still weak, its technology is highly dependent on foreign countries, its development mode is extensive, its structural adjustment is lagging behind, and it is still in the global industrial chain and value as a whole. The middle and low end of the chain. The problems of unbalanced development and inadequate development are outstanding. I believe that everyone present here feels the same.

It is worth noting that for a period of time, domestic and international evaluation of China's manufacturing development achievements often tends to avoid weaknesses, neglect existing problems, and exaggerate the results. China's manufacturing innovation capability is still not strong, key infrastructure materials, core infrastructure components, components, and advanced foundations. Industrial infrastructure such as technology is still weak, and the shortage of key core technologies has not changed fundamentally.

According to the survey conducted by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology on more than 130 key basic materials of more than 30 large enterprises, 32% of key materials are still blank in China, 52% rely on imports, and most computer and server general-purpose processors are 95% high-end dedicated chips. More than % of intelligent terminal processors and most memory chips rely on imports. In the field of equipment manufacturing, high-end CNC machine tools, high-end equipment, etc., more than 95% of manufacturing and testing equipment for key finishing lines such as launch vehicles, large aircraft, aero engines, and automobiles rely on imports. With decades of gaps with developed countries, we still have a long way to go to build a manufacturing powerhouse, and we still need to make long-term and unremitting efforts.

Socialism with Chinese characteristics has entered a new era. China’s economy has shifted from a high-speed growth stage to a high-quality development stage. It is a major historical judgment made by the party’s 19th National Congress. General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized that promoting high-quality development is the development thinking that we have determined at present and in the future, formulating economic policies, implementing the fundamental requirements of macroeconomic regulation and control, and pointing out the direction for promoting the construction of a strong country.

Manufacturing industry is the main body of the real economy, the main battlefield of technological innovation, an important field of supply-side structural reform, and the key and key to promoting high-quality economic development. To promote the high-quality development of manufacturing industry, it is necessary to adopt Xi Jinping’s new era of Chinese characteristics. Guided by the ideological thinking, focusing on building a modern economic system, focusing on the goal of building a strong country, closely following the major changes in China's social contradictions, adapting to the global scientific and technological revolution and industrial change trends, practicing new development concepts, adhering to quality first, efficiency first With the supply-side structural reform as the main line, we will accelerate the promotion of quality change, efficiency change, and power change, and strive to build a modern manufacturing system that leads innovation and coordinated development, and continuously enhances innovation and competitiveness.

First, we must take the reform of deepening institutional mechanisms as the first shot and focus on creating a good development environment. For example, there are more restrictions on market access. Social capital and private investment have entered some areas. There are still serious "glass doors", "revolving doors" and "spring doors". The market segmentation phenomenon is more serious, and the formation mechanism of production factor prices is becoming more and more. Need to improve, the decisive role of the market mechanism has not been fully utilized. To promote the high-quality development of manufacturing industry, we must first exert our efforts in this area, further deepen the reform of the management of the management, optimize the business environment, promote the reform of the national defense industry and the reform of state-owned enterprises in monopoly industries, and promote the energy, labor, land and other factors that affect the development of the manufacturing industry. The reform of price marketization will speed up the construction of a unified and open, competitive and orderly market system and open and fair market rules, effectively break through various hidden thresholds, promote the free flow of resources, exchange on an equal footing, and play a decisive role in market allocation of resources. In view of the high cost of comprehensive production and operation in recent years, the company has promoted the reduction of corporate value-added tax and income tax, reduced the cost of financing and logistics, and loosened the enterprise, allowing enterprises to go into battle.

Second, we must firmly grasp the innovation-driven "bull nose" and focus on improving the manufacturing innovation capability. China's manufacturing innovation capability is still weak, and it is still unsuitable for high-quality development requirements. It is prominently reflected in weak basic research, less original technology, and insufficient attention to processes, special materials, and special equipment. We must adhere to demand-oriented and problem-oriented, focus on key core technology research and transformation of results, and make overall use of manufacturing innovation center construction, national major science and technology projects, industrial strong bases and other means to comprehensively play the advantages of domestic large market and actively create a scientific and technological ecological environment. Deepen international innovation cooperation and accelerate the improvement of manufacturing innovation capabilities.

At present, some places are eager for quick success, blindly follow the trend, and speculate on so-called new technologies and new industries. We must be highly alert and resolutely correct. At the same time, we attach great importance to vigorously promoting the in-depth development of military-civilian integration, strengthening the sharing of military and civilian resources and collaborative innovation, promoting mutual support between military and civilian technologies, effectively transforming, and enhancing the overall effect of scientific and technological research.

Third, the supply-side structural reform must be taken as a breakthrough to accelerate transformation and upgrading. The quality of the manufacturing supply system is not high, and it cannot effectively adapt to changes in consumption upgrading and industrial upgrading. It has become the most prominent problem among the three major imbalances in China's economic structure. Cultivate and develop emerging industries and upgrade and upgrade traditional industries, accelerate the transformation and upgrading of the manufacturing industry, and switch between new and old kinetic energy. On the one hand, we will vigorously develop strategic emerging industries, advanced manufacturing industries, aim at the commanding heights of world industrial development, and continue to promote innovation breakthroughs in key areas such as 5G, new energy vehicles, and new materials, and promote the growth of high-end equipment manufacturing, biomedicine, energy conservation and environmental protection industries.

On the other hand, it is actively and steadily degrading and resolving old kinetic energy, unswervingly resolving excess production capacity, removing ineffective supply, benchmarking international advanced benchmarks, accelerating the improvement and upgrading of traditional industries, and promoting the overall upgrading of the entire industrial chain. At the same time, implement the country's three regional development strategies and optimize the layout of manufacturing.

Fourth, we must focus on the role of the new engine led by informatization drive and deepen the integration of information technology and manufacturing. The world is entering a period of economic development led by the information industry. The digital economy has become an important driving force for economic and social development. Can we grasp the opportunities of digital development and decide whether the goal of manufacturing a strong country can be achieved. We must grasp the opportunity of digital, network and intelligent integration development, take information and intelligence as the lever, cultivate high-quality development new kinetic energy, adhere to the direction of intelligent manufacturing, find intelligent and networked development path, and break through intelligent manufacturing. Equipment, technology, improve the national standard system for intelligent manufacturing, and promote the fundamental transformation of the manufacturing industry model and corporate form. Deeply implement the industrial Internet innovation development strategy, implement the industrial Internet development action plan, build the network, platform and security three systems, build a number of cross-industry, cross-field industrial Internet platforms, and promote the industrial Internet innovation application. Vigorously promote the deep integration of the Internet, big data, artificial intelligence and the real economy, accelerate the digital and intelligent development of traditional industries, and enlarge and strengthen the digital economy.

At present, with the widespread use of information technology represented by the Internet, the network information security situation is becoming more and more serious. It is necessary to put the network information security issue in a prominent position and pay close attention to it.

Fifth, we must focus on building high-quality development carriers and cultivating a number of high-quality and efficient manufacturing enterprises. Enterprises are the main force leading the high-quality development of manufacturing industry. To achieve high-quality development of manufacturing industry, it requires both leading enterprises and small enterprises, reorganizing the market environment, supporting enterprises to focus on the main business, reform and innovation, and hard work and cultivation. Approving a group of companies with strong core competitiveness. Further increase the development support for small and medium-sized enterprises, and develop a group of specialized small giant enterprises with outstanding main business, strong competitiveness and good growth prospects, and cultivate a group of unicorn enterprises that lead the technological evolution and industrial ecology. The development of large and medium-sized enterprises is the advantage of China's enterprises, promoting the interaction and cooperation between the upstream and downstream of the industry chain, forming a good pattern driven by leading enterprises and the development of large and medium-sized enterprises. At the same time, we must inspire and protect the entrepreneurial spirit and build a team of entrepreneurs who focus on the pursuit of excellence.

General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized that the development of China's economy in the past 40 years has been achieved under open conditions. In the future, China's economy must achieve higher quality development under more open conditions. We must take the 40th anniversary of reform and opening up as an opportunity to adapt to China's enterprises. Deeply integrate into the trend of the world economy, actively promote the level and level of openness of the manufacturing industry, and deepen and integrate more deeply into the global supply system. It is necessary to implement the opening-up policy of the automobile, shipbuilding, aircraft and other industries, greatly relax market access, strengthen intellectual property protection, and adhere to the principle of equal participation of domestic and foreign-funded enterprises, and actively create a more attractive investment environment.

At the same time, we must solidly promote the construction of the “Belt and Road”, improve the public service system that goes global, strengthen exchanges and cooperation with countries along the line in the fields of intelligent manufacturing industry Internet, small and medium-sized enterprises, and pragmatically promote important international cooperation projects.

At present, ideas such as trade protectionism, isolationism, and populism are constantly rising. We will clearly oppose unilateralism and trade protectionism with the nations of the world, firmly defend the interests of the country and the people, and uphold the rules and order of international trade.

Building and manufacturing a strong country carries the great dream of paying attention to the country from generation to generation. We must insist that Qingshan does not relax, and then hopes to continue to play its own advantages, organize experts and scholars to strengthen research on major issues, and provide more for the construction of a strong country. More intellectual support.