
The application of block chain technology in the detection scenario is held successfully

Column:Industry dynamics Time:2018-04-07
Block chain technology is one of the most cutting-edge technologies in the information technology industry, which has attracted great attention from all walks of life.

      Block chain technology is one of the most cutting-edge technologies in the information technology industry, which has attracted great attention from all walks of life. China has listed the block chain technology as a strategic frontier technology in the "13th Five-Year" national informatization plan, and explicitly proposed that "we should strengthen the new technological foundation and frontier layout of the block chain and so on, and build the leading advantages of the new competition field." For testing industry, the application of block chain technology through logistics supply chain and information chain is likely to change the existing pattern.
In March 27, 2018, the thematic Conference on the application of block chain technology, initiated by the China Inspection and Quarantine Association and the China Inspection and testing innovation Federation, was held in Beijing successfully. Several related experts gathered in the industry to discuss how block chain technology was used in the development and development of inspection and testing industries. Explore how to help products in the market to ensure "real" and "quality".

     At the conference, we first talked about the importance of block chain technology center cryptography. The development of block chain technology can not be separated from the development of cipher technology. Only innovative security theory, security method and security technology can promote the development of block chain technology.

      Next, we talk about the application of block chain technology to food traceability system. The director of Victoria International inspection group Jiang Wei demonstrated the application of block chain technology in the field of testing and testing food, and pointed out that block chain technology could guarantee higher authenticity; the only identification code was designed for the wine traceability service platform system developed by Shanghai only chain Mdt InfoTech Ltd, open anonymity, full process traceability, prevention and control. Pseudo identification and consensus authorization mechanism provide quality assurance for the high quality development of liquor industry.

     Then, we mentioned the application of block chain technology in the financial industry. Wang Yingfeng, a technology expert of matrix element technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. shared the block chain driven business infrastructure innovation, in the financial field. In order to make the block chain technology meet the requirements of supervision, industry and users in the domestic application, the matrix element explores the different solutions in the three "contradictions" such as "individual privacy" vs "central supervision", "transaction privacy" vs "registration confirmation", "data privacy" vs "data collection".

    Next, the conference talked about the application space of chain block technology in quality improvement. To this end, Li Wenbo, product director of the quality chain department of the China Inspection Union member wave group, made a wonderful speech on the quality chain platform based testing application service, and described how to build China quality chain technology platform by mixing block chain and quality control technology to improve the quality development of China. To bring more possibilities. In the past China's real manufacturing industry, "big" is the biggest feature, but enterprises and manufacturers, users do not trust the product information and quality testing standards. Therefore, how to break the product information barriers between users and manufacturers is the key to breaking the situation.

      Finally, in the field of discussion, the experts, taking wine products as an example, discussed how to use block chain technology in the trade circulation of wine products to avoid the quality risk caused by the long circulation cycle. The cross border wine market has long supply chain, many topics and difficult supervision, and how to use block chain technology to track the whole product all the way, so as to guarantee "real" and "quality".

      This is also the testing technology has been thinking about the problem. Under the guidance of the State Quality Inspection Administration, it is launched by the China Inspection and Quarantine Association, the quality data platform organization established by the global well-known testing institutions based on the joint investment of strategic cooperation, the Secretariat and business operation center of the China Inspection and inspection innovation Federation and the global agricultural food inspection alliance.

     It is recommended to cooperate with government and government units, domestic and foreign trade associations, transnational inspection agencies, and related suppliers to cooperate with the government and government units, domestic and foreign trade associations, and related suppliers, and to create a whole process quality assurance system with the information core of the combined measurement technology as the core, the whole supply chain information supervision and so on. This will also radiate to other industries, and promote the comprehensive reform of the inspection and testing scene and quality assurance work.